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Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm still here, I promise!

Sorry everyone, in the span of two weeks I've left a job, went on vacation and started a new job - AND it's the Holiday a lot has been going on. I've been eating plenty, but unfortunately found it hard to catch up with writing about it. I still want to share where I've been, but they may be shorter posts than usual.

Also, just hosted a Holiday party last night and someone brought a Smith Island Cake - the official cake of Maryland! And yes, it was an official cake too - Maryland flag and all. I didn't realize it was a basic yellow cake with chocolate frosting? The extremely thin layering made it interesting though.

How are everyone else's parties going??? Any yummy recipes you want to share??


SE said...

hey Nakiya...good to see you back..didn't know about the official MD cake....!!

Nakiya @ Taste of Baltimore said...

Yup! It became the official cake last year:

Simply Life said...

wait what? tell me about the vacation and WHERE are you working?!?!?!

Beth said...

Hope all is well at the new job!

We had our holiday party on Saturday night too, and I've been slowly posting all of my cookie recipes!

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