I discovered Miss Shirley's a couple of years ago when it was in its old location across the street. I remember getting lunch but wishing in my mind that I had ordered breakfast instead. In fact, there was one menu item in particular I wished I had ordered: Coconut cream stuff french toast with bruleed bananas. I mean, seriously? If you've been reading this blog long enough, or if you know me well enough (and the two people that read this blog do) you know that I love sweets. But I digress. The appetizer that I really enjoy are the sweet potato fries with mango ketchup and lemon aioli on the side ($4.25). The mango ketchup is by far the more superior dip, and I also like the fact that anyone can make it. I bet it's pretty much mango puree (buy it in a can) and ketchup mixed together. I can't distinguish any other flavors other than those two, which is fine with me. The fries themselves are soft and perfectly salted. I also really like the presentation.

I, of course, ordered the French toast ($11) and cut into it with moans and sighs of pure love. The serving is ridiculously huge and I can never eat all of it, so if you eat with me at Miss Shirley's, you will probably have half of this meal. I LOVE the creamy middle of the french toast and I love pairing that with the soft bread and strawberries on the side. The bruleed bananas are sugared perfection- really crispy and not burnt at all. I really love everything about this dish, other than the fact that I probably consume 5 million calories in 20 minutes (ok fine, 10).

The one disappointment was Dan's Seafood salad for $17. It was caesar salad with a horseradish caesar dressing, crab, shrimp and a ton of old bay. It didn't appeal to me, and unfortunately it didn't appeal to Dan either when he tried it. The horseradish sauce completed overwhelmed the dish, the old bay didn't seem to fit with the dressing, and the grilled shrimp were cold. There wasn't anything to complain about to the kitchen, I think this was purely something that had to do with taste.

What I felt promising though was even though Dan disliked his main dish, he still really loved the place. He enjoyed the sweet potato fries and he loved my dish (who wouldn't!!!) and he said he would happily come again. Considering that he hated his main dish-- that's pretty impressive!
If I come again, I would probably try and convince someone to split the french toast and a savory dish with me-- they all looked so great!
Miss Shirley's
513 W Cold Spring Ln
Baltimore, MD 21210
(410) 889-5272

oh, miss shirley's! I've never been but have heard of it before because my brother-in-law Mike's (Angela's husband) cousin is the chef there. Brigitte! I'll pass along the review!
Thanks for the comments and pictures!
If EVERY you don't like what you have at MS's, PLEASE let us know.
It's only by knowing how we can do better with comments and suggestions that we can actually achieve our goal which is creating a fantastic and unique dining experience.
I went to Miss Shirley's for the first time this weekend, and it lived up to my sky-high expectations. I've been sent there by serveral recommenders, and was anxious to have an occasion to try it out.
I had the soft shell crab eggs bendict, prepared with a cornmeal crust atop egg, creamed chipped beef, and hash browns with onions. It was beautifully presented with an exuberant spray of watercress tufting out between its claws.
Thoroughly deLISHicous, on my! The only soft shell crab I'll have this season, but so very worthy of the distinction. It's a favorite I only indulge on a rare day, and I want it to be superb. Fantastic!
Tori had the stuffed french toast that you got, which was decadant and lucious! I'm a little too diabetic to order it on my own, I was so glad she did. Our friend orded a mushroom/brie/avacado omlette that she also enjoyed very much -- I hate mushrooms so I took her word for it.
It was a really lovely dining experience, I've gotta say -- I ordered a mimosa with mango puree, and we enjoyed some sweet corn cakes as well. It was a spurge for us, but a very worth-it value. We left stuffed to the gills and very happy!
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