Those who know me (and read my blog) know that my love for Wegmans knows no bounds, especially when I take a bite of either their Ultimate Chocolate Cake (BEST CHOCOLATE CAKE IN THE WORLD) or their Ultimate Carrot Cake (BEST CARROT CAKE IN THE WORLD).
So imagine my delight when I found there was a new cake in the Ultimate line - the Ultimate White Cake - white cake with a vanilla buttercream. We bought the mini version for $5 (using a $1 cake coupon they were handing out) and couldn't wait to dig in!
Oh no.
My dreams and hopes of Ultimate Heaven with all things Ultimate were dashed. I do NOT like this cake. All I could taste was butter. I felt like the icing wasn't icing, but just soft butter. SOOOOOOO disappointed :(
On the otherhand, Dan thought the cake was great (he also likes the Cake Batter flavor from Coldstone Creamery that ALSO tastes like butter) but admits it definitely shouldn't be listed in the ranks of the "Ultimates"
Anyone else tried the cake?
thanks for the heads up because my mother was really excited to try this cake.
Weren't we all :(
But honestly - maybe you should still try it, just in case?!
Sorry to hear you were disappointed in it :( FYI - I just gave you a "blogger award" on my post :)
The woman at the store where I shop told me the secret to enjoying the white cake is to let it come to room temperature before eating. That lets the flavors of the icing blend together.
Thank you Anonymous - that is something I should have mentioned, please eat this at room temperature! I actually did do that, and still it was buttery.
That being said, my hubby ate it cold AND at room temperature and still enjoyed it. I think it's all a matter of taste and knowing what kind of cake you like.
No No No. I disagree. It is so yummy. Better than either the Carrot or the Chocolate. The best of the three!!!!
See - that just shows you taste is so subjective!!!!!
I'm glad it's still Ultimate in your eyes, my anonymous reader friend :)
I absolutely love it as well. I especially enjoy the moist cake.
Maybe you should try this cake again. My friends and I are so addicted to this cake. I just started to eat this cake last month and it is delicious!
Laniekay - you are right, I really should try it again, everyone seems to love it!!!! I also want to try their strawberry shortcake. I can't believe I've made it this long without getting one :)
I have to say that the first time I had the cake, the frosting was overwhelming.
I prefer the new version with the chocolate icing and the white cake.
I think the cake itself is very good but I don't care for the frosting. To me, the frosting tastes like it is made with shortening rather than butter and I don't care for that at all. I wish Wegman's would improve the frosting.
A friend brought this cake to a dinner I was hosting. I thought it was amazing. I agree the frosting was incredibly rich, but I loved it. The cake itself was dense, moist and delicious. My only concern would be the amount of fat in a single slice -- I imagine it's off the chart.
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